Men’s Health

Think you’re invincible? Regular check-ups are just as important as working out.

Why are regular check-ups important if you go to the gym three or four times a week?

An annual check-up and knowing your numbers are critical to maintaining good health – and finding any early or hidden health conditions. (Remember – there are many things you inherit from your parents and grandparents. Some great; others not so great like heart disease or diabetes.)

Good health and peak performance start with annual check-ups and screenings.

Our health providers are here to help you stay as healthy as possible. We can get you in and out quickly – 7 days a week. Just walk in or schedule a time online with Hold My Spot®.

During an annual wellness exam, you will be screened for:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Diabetes
  • High Cholesterol
  • Testosterone Levels (if appropriate)
  • Colon Cancer
  • Family history of cancer (prostate, colon or lung)
  • Sexually Transmitted Disease or Infection (STD/STI)
  • Heart Rate and Respiration Rate
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

“If don’t get your blood pressure checked when it’s going up in your 20s, and you don’t get your cholesterol checked when it’s high in your 30s, what do you think is going to happen when you’re 50s?,” said Matt Browning, MD, Chief Medical Officer for Urgent Team Family of Urgent Care & Walk-in Centers.

“For men, heart disease begins to manifest itself about 10 years earlier than women,” explained Browning. “This means men have a shorter time to prevent the development of the condition so their overall risk is greater.”

When it comes to stroke – the third leading killer in the countrymen are 1.25 times greater than women to have a stroke. “Having hypertension is an important risk factor for stroke, which is why controlling hypertension is a crucial factor to try to prevent the onset of stroke,” Browning explained.

Why know your numbers?

  • 51.9% of men aged 20 and over have hypertension (measured high blood pressure and/or taking antihypertensive medication).
  • The leading cause of death is heart disease and cancer. One in four men has some form of heart disease; 350,000 men die of cardiovascular disease each year.
  • Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death in men; approximately 230,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year.
  • Men are 1.5 times more likely to die of heart disease, cancer, and respiratory disease.
  • Men live on average five years less than women.
  • 13.2% of men aged 18 and over are in fair or poor health.

Sources:;; American Stroke Association

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